I walked the streets up and down and up again, distributing heaps of flyers, talking spontaneously to people, Woolly had to be sold. I sat more than one day in the State library of NSW, surfing the web, posting ads and waiting for calls of potential buyers. And finally they came: One, two, three... a couple of appointments were arranged, but no one really fell in love with this brilliant van, which I like so much. Until this Friday morning: I got woken up by the ringing of my mobile, two German girls were calling, interested in buying my car. Half an hour later we met up, I showed them Woolly in every detail, drove around the block with them and they were amazed. These were the ladies I had been waiting for five days now, not a long time, but five very, very exhausting and hard days, always thinking about other solutions, how to deal with Woolly in case I wouldn’t sell it soon – looking for work? Give it away for free to anyone? Park it in the street and see, if it’s still there, when I come back? But none of these ideas were as satisfying as these two girls, who promised to keep collecting signatures, re-register it and take good care of my beloved darling. I was unbelievably happy!
The same day, I applied for my second visa. After I had experienced a lot of problems with the method of payment (I don’t possess a credit card, and my parents are on holidays), I was told that I could also pay by cheque, which I finally did. I asked a couple of travel agents about their cheapest flights to Germany, and... I found a job!
It was more smalltalk out of boredom than a real search for a job, why I was talking to those lovely ladies from the jobdesk, until they offered me a really great thing: Work in an underground motel for a few months, good hourly rate, accommodation and meals provided – what else could I wish for? I agreed immediately. 1100km west of Sydney, in the middle of nowhere, is where you can find me in the near future – from tomorrow on, to be exact. After 13 hours of bus and train I’ll be picked up by Richard, the owner and my boss, and be brought into this motel, 200km away from the next bus station. Awesome! I’m really looking forward to that...
My last day in this huge city today I spent with five other Germans, one guy and four girls. We all met through the Internet and strolled around the city today, had some yummy lunch and long talks about upcoming plans and survived experiences. Always interesting to hear other backpacker’s stories!
One week has passed by, since Tim and Laura left, with a lot of ups and downs, but in the end, it all worked out brilliant, I couldn’t wish for anything else. I’m really happy after all, even though I sometimes already thought about jumping on the next plane to Germany, but that all seems to be long time ago. It’s all sunny again over Australia, and I think it still will be when I’ll crawl around underneath the surface...

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