We reached Sydney and our hostel withour any problems, found our room and went straight to bed.
Next day was beachday. We had seen an ad the day before, that the hostel would organize some fun day out at Palm Beach, with surfing, chillin' and beachvolleyball, 10 bucks per head. We were in.
A bus brought loads of British, Irish, one Italian, two Swedish and us to a long stretch of sand, and we got on the beachvolleyballcourt immediately. The sun burned down on us, so we decided to jump into some cooling waves. Intelligent Chris went for bodysurfing with his sunnys, which happened to disappear somewhere in the ocean. *sniff*
But well – in exchange for my sunnys I got some free surf lesson – and I managed to stand three waves within half an hour!!! Right, the waves weren't that big, and I'm honest enough to not call me a pro (yet), but I have to commit that I was very proud of myself. :-)
Back home we had a quick shower, I went down to the bar for a short game of poker, and finally it was time to say goodbye to Australia – with a luxurious meal. So we strolled along the harbour, studied some menues and met – Nikky, my volleyball partner from Perth!!! Could you believe that?
In the end, we found the italian village, a pretty, little restaurant next to the Harbour Bridge with a good view of the Opera House. What else could we wish for?
The meal was delicious, the bill frustrating and the evening a cracker! An awesome way to say bye-bye to this terrific country I fell in love with so long ago...
Our last day in Sydney was full of action: After we had checked-out of the hostel, we walked to aifs, I collected my mail (thanks for your postcard, Tim!) and sent my laptop home to Germany. Next stop was a bookshop, to buy a South-East-Asia guide, followed by a run to the Harbour for taking some last pics with the Bridge and the Opera.
Isi went back to the city, to meet a friend of hers, and I stood there, bearing in mind that I won't see all this beauty for a bloody long time.
I walked around the Opera, bought my last ozzie icecream and stumbled back to the hostel. All of a sudden, after I had grabbed some seat on the sofa there, someone approached from behind with the words: “Are you from Radolfzell?” I turned around and looked in some face I had never seen in real life before, and was therefore not sure who had just said that. The guy introduced himself as a Juergen from Markelfingen, who had read my newspaper-articles and lately chatted with me on the internet. Funny, how small the world can be.
Isabel and Sarah, her friend, joined in in our conversation, and we talked along until it was time for Isabel and me to move. Sarah accompanied us on the way to Grimes, a lovely family, who had hosted Isabel earlier on. They invited us for some delicous BBQ, treated me as if I had been a friend of them for years, and finally drove us to the airport. (Thank you very much, all of you Grimes!!!)
As Isabel and I had boarded the flight, I burst out in tears, knowing, that an unforgettable adventure had come to and end now – even though we'd still spend two days in Darwin, Australia was over... *sob*
We arrived in Darwin somewhen in the middle of the night, and to save some bucks on accomodation, we decided to spend the last few hours until sunrise at the airport.
Isabel fell asleep, and I stayed up, reading, and enjoying the calmness of an almost empty airport.
At approx. 5am, we swapped, and I dreamed happily until I was woken up with a double treat of chocolate... yumm, yumm, yumm.
The days in Darwin were easy, we chilled out, surfed the internet in the library, looking for a lonely island to stay and read a lot.
Friday evening came, and we went. Some Airbus with a tiger on it waited for us to board, and even though I felt like I had left Australia some weeks ago, it were in fact my last moments on a country, which definitely made me another man...
After almost 15 months, I have to leave you know behind, me beloved Australia – but I swear, I'll be back!
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